
The 13th International Ship Stability Workshop is this year’s event, in a longstanding series of international technical meetings in the field of stability of ships and ocean vehicles. This series consists of the STAB Conferences, which are held every three years (since 1975), and the International Ship Stability Workshops (ISSW), which are held in the years in between the conferences.
While the STAB Conferences cover a wide large range of issues related to stability of ships and ocean vehicles, the workshops are typically more focused on particular subjects that are especially important and are indicative of recent developments in the field. Recent interests are related to the development of new regulations, the appearance of new types of ships and predicting their behavior, current research challenges, stability accidents, and others. The format of the workshop entails in-depth discussions in an informal manner, resulting in an ideal environment for participants who are interested in current developments and provides an opportunity to ask questions on topics “you’ve always wanted to know.”
The 13th ISSW will be held in Brest, Le Quartz Congress Center, Brittany, France, September 23-26, 2013.

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